Friday, August 7, 2020

An Open Heart


 An Open Heart 

In August, Jay bounded into my second-grade classroom. “I’m going to have a great year,” he announced. His happy smile and open heart made him many friends. 

In October at parent conferences, his mother told me that she had divorced a few years back but that Jay saw his father frequently and seemed to have adjusted well.

In December, we made a paper chain to count the days to Christmas. With every link we removed a child would share a Christmas wish. Most children wished for a toy or a special trip.

When it was Jay’s turn, he said, “I wish that my mom and dad would get back together.” Surprised, I responded with general assurances and we moved on.

In January, Jay ran into the classroom with eyes alight. “I have great news! My mom and her boyfriend George are getting married on Valentine’s Day!” Jay and George’s two children were going to be in the wedding and Jay couldn’t wait.

In early February, I got a call from Jay’s mom. Her father had died and they were postponing the wedding. Jay wanted to come to school so she wanted me to be prepared. When Jay arrived, he shared the news with the class. His friends gathered around and we gave him a group hug.

In April, Jay bounced into the classroom with exciting news. His mother was expecting twins! We bounced up and down with him.

June came and we put together our memory books, Jay raised his hand. “I had a great year. When I started, I was an only child. Now my family has five children!” 

I’ve often thought about Jay over the years. Jay’s year didn’t go as he expected. His parents didn’t reunite. He lost his grandfather. Three strangers moved into his house. Twins, who could take attention from him, were expected. Yet, because he had an open heart, he was ready to welcome whatever came his way. I ask myself, Is my heart open? Am I ready to welcome whoever and whatever comes my way? Opening your heart is not easy but when you do unexpected joys can enter. 

Jay’s year began and ended with a smile. So did mine. 

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