Tuesday, July 1, 2014

George Washington Who?

George Washington Who?
I was once again standing in Independence Square expressing my outrage—yes, I said outrage – that there is no monument, not even a plaque, to honor John Adams there. While my daughter shushed me, and my husband and son quietly walked away from this nut shouting into the air, a thought struck me; how many of those standing in line to enter that hallowed hall even know about Mr. Adams and his invaluable contributions to this country? Could they even name such luminaries as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, or Thomas Jefferson? Would they know why we honor them?

Now before you blame our public school system for once again failing to educate our young, let me assure you that this history is taught. Kindergarten students learn about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. In fact, portraits of these founding fathers adorn nearly every school in our nation. American patriots pop up every year in class. Fifth graders do reports on them. Middle-schoolers study the government they designed. High school students analyze the problems of democracy. Students study them -- but do they engage the minds of our youth to express admiration or outrage?

Let me make a wager here. I bet that even though these illustrious Americans are remembered every year in school, your child knows more about Miley Cyrus and Frozen than Aaron Burr or Eleanor Roosevelt.  I’d win that bet, wouldn’t I? 

Why? Because these characters are somehow made more exciting than those tired old figures of history. And whose fault is that?

Well, I, for one, refuse to take the rap. I find them very exciting! And when I teach them, I show this enthusiasm. I relate amazing facts. Did you know that Andrew Johnson was accused of bigamy? I show pictures and tell stories. Abe Lincoln took the advice of a young girl who wrote to tell him that he would look better with a beard. Abigail Adams wrote to her son John Quincy, who at the age of 14 was secretary to the ambassador to Russia, telling him not to be such a "blockhead." Wouldn't it be fun to find out why?

Sometimes, my enthusiasm catches some of my students and they light up! But teachers can’t keep that light lit alone. To keep the flame going, parents and families need to fuel the fire. 

My siblings are history nuts --not “buffs” mind you -- nuts. We discuss and argue historical facts and figures as if they were contemporary. My brothers can quote long passages from the speeches and writings of John Adams. We love the guy – but don’t bring up Alexander Hamilton unless you are itching for a fight!

So should every family discuss famous Americans at the dinner table? Not in the least. You pick the subject you can be passionate about. My cousins spent hours devising perpetual motion machines with their father. My sister-in-law and her children discuss the Old Testament. My father recited epic poems for us. My nephew collected bugs and classified them with the help of his mom and dad. It doesn’t matter what subject you pick, but make it a legitimate, worthy study. Don’t let the popular media choose for you.

Now I know we can all name the nerds on The Big Bang Theory and know just who took Marcia Brady to the prom, but wouldn’t it be just as interesting to know who comprised the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence or what names the Greeks gave the ancient constellations and how they correspond to the names given them by the Native Americans? There is a world of worthy information to explore.

Catch the spirit! Know something and pass it along to your kids with a huge dose of enthusiasm. Embarrass them by expressing an opinion and knowing what you are talking about. 

My children know all about John Adams. They also have enthusiasms of their own.

And I am excited about them.

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