Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My Funny Valentine

My Funny Valentine
Valentine’s Day is a special holiday for me. Who wouldn’t love a holiday that encourages love and giving? It’s especially sweet for me because for many years I taught second grade and elementary school children are full of love and eager to give it away. I’ve received many beautiful, carefully chosen, or hand-made Valentines over the years. I’ve appreciated the love behind each and every one, but one Valentine stands out among the lace and doilies.
Angel was not what her name would lead you to believe. Feisty, Noisy, or Rambunctious might have been more apt monikers. Wiry and willful, Angel hovered in my classroom, keeping careful distance from the other children and me. Angel had less than the other children and knew it. Trendy lunch boxes and designer jeans speak volumes to those carrying paper bags and wearing hand-me-down sneakers.

As Valentine’s Day approached, we made our mail boxes and passed out our list. The children dropped broad hints about the beautiful Valentines they were buying or making. Angel listened as some described lace and flowers and others giggled over riddles and rhymes. A few asked me for red and pink construction paper to take home to help with a special surprise. They traced hearts and made cards for their parents.

Valentine’s Day arrived and the children wiggled waiting for the party to begin. At story time, we gathered at the carpet, the children begging me to open the Valentines in my box. One by one, I reached into the box, slit open the envelopes and read the cards aloud. Each child beamed as I thanked him or her for the card. I noticed that Angel had crept closer to me than usual. As my box got emptier, Angel scooted up almost into my lap.

Reaching into the box, I felt no more envelopes. But something was still inside. I pulled it out and held it up. It was a Valentine all right, but the strangest one I had ever seen. It was a paper heart but it was neither pink nor red, but white with blue and black writing all over it. I must have had a strange look on my face because Angel spoke up.
          “Do you like it? I made it myself.”

I said of course I liked it and thanked Angel for the heart. Angel went on, “I asked my mom for some paper to make Valentines but she said that we didn’t have any red or pink so I made some from paper she said she didn’t need anymore.”
I looked closely at the paper heart. The writing was mostly numbers. I turned the heart over and read, “To my teacher, Love, Angel,” written in pencil under big blue letters reading Telephone Company. Angel had cut her Valentine hearts from the family’s telephone bill. I looked up into a more heavenly smile than ever graced any celestial palace.

Yes, Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday. Violets and roses, Cupids and hearts sweeten our classroom and our spirits. And every year, when I open my February folder, I take out one funny Valentine and remember one very special Angel.


  1. Anyone who taught school and lived through many Valentines Days can surely appreciate your story,Lisa. Thanks.

  2. Anyone who taught school and lived through many Valentines Days can surely appreciate your story,Lisa. Thanks.
