Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Christmas Connections: Day 1


Day 1 Christmas Connections

  A cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health

                                                         Proverbs 15:30 NLT

“Morning Ms. Marian,” a  deep husky voice drawled from the library’s front doors. Simon wiped his wet boots on the mat. Carol smiled. Simon insisted on calling her Marian, as in “Marian the Librarian,” and she had given up correcting him. He shook his mane of grizzled hair sending raindrops over the carpet and onto the Staff Picks books by the front door. Since becoming the children’s librarian (a post she had coveted for years, studied for, worked for, and finally achieved), Carol spent more time behind her desk in her office. Paperwork, if you could call it that since now everything was digital, overflowed into her “children and books” time. She carved out time for Story Hour and stood armed with baskets of books for Wednesday and Friday mornings. 

“Careful, Simon,” Carol called. “We are long past April showers.” Gina, the library aide, designed the monthly Staff Picks display. In April, the books had sheltered beneath an umbrella wielded by a cardboard Christopher Robin. This November morning, gratitude books spilled from the table in Norman Rockwell’s “Freedom from Want” painting. 

Simon’s eyes twinkled below his generous white eyebrows. Clean-shaven but with an enviable Ho-Ho-Ho laugh (and belly), he’d soon don a white beard and red suit and pass out gifts (books, of course) to all the Story Hour children. The jingle of the front door announced another reader. A young woman, shepherded rather forcefully by a little girl, approached the desk. 

“We want a library card,” the girl announced.

“How wonderful!” Carol smiled as she reached into a drawer for a form, “Is this your mother?”

“No, this is Tía Mariela,” the girl answered. “She doesn’t speak much English,” here she looked pointedly at her aunt. “I am helping her. Do you have books written in English and Spanish?”

“We sure do!” said Carol. “And I can order all you want. My name is Carol. What’s yours?”

“Lizabeta and I am eight years old. I can read English and Spanish. Mamá taught me. Tía wants to read to her baby.” Lizabeta pointed at Mariela’s baby bump, about the size of Simon’s Santa belly. “Coming soon!”

Carol smiled at Mariela who smiled shyly back. “How wonderful! Well, Lizabeta, have your mother fill out this form and come back with you to get your card.”

Lizabeta grabbed the form and her aunt’s hand. Echoes of “Gracias,” followed them out into the brisk November day. Carol smiled. Two new readers to add to her prayer list. How wonderful!

Advent Challenge: Give a smile. Get a smile. Make the world a more joyful place.

Prayer: Joy to the world! The Lord is coming! Help me prepare a joyful place in my heart for our Savior. Help me share that joy with the world. Amen

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Welcome to Christmas Connections: An Advent Calendar Story


Christmas Connections 

An Advent Calendar Story

Welcome to “Christmas Connections” an Advent Calendar Story!

Advent is a time of connection. We connect with family and friends, 

but our most important connection is with the 

Savior who was born to redeem us. 

This is a story of connections. Read one page each day in Advent. 

Reflect on the Bible verses. Read the children’s books referenced.* 

Respond to the challenge and pray the prayer.

Make Christmas Connections that will last all year.

Throughout the story, you will find references to children’s picture books.

*Links for the children’s books can be found on YouTube. You can see them read in Spanish or English. You can also find them at your library. 

Connect with and support your local library.  

Please preview videos before sharing them with children. 

Advertisements may be added without notice. 

Thank you!

Directions for the games included in the story can be found on Google.

Prepare Your Heart for Our Savior and King! 

LMC 2021