Monday, September 28, 2015

Fun Facts from our Excellent Adventure!

Some interesting things about Finland:

Great water pressure in the showers and sinks. Hot water is HOT! There is an override button on all faucets to get even hotter water. We never had the nerve to push it. 

All WC (water closets) are clean with interesting fixtures. Loved the cotton towel dispensers like the old days here. Interesting flushers and dryers – especially in Iceland where the faucet has “horns” which is the dryer. 

Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink. Finland has lots of lakes and delicious drinking water but I didn’t see a public drinking fountain anywhere. 

Statues – lots of them everywhere – many with fountains

Guard rails – extreme lack of – guess the Finns are smart enough to be careful
Trams, buses, Metro – all free to anyone pushing a stroller. “Baby” must be under seven.

Public transportation runs on time and often 

All menus note gluten-free, dairy-free etc. and list ingredients. Very helpful.

Food is expensive but very tasty. Lots of fish and berries

Lots of churches -- mostly Lutheran. 

Playgrounds everywhere.  We noticed an absence of warning signs. Guess Finnish parents are smart enough to watch their children and not do silly things on the equipment. All are fenced with child-proof gates. Lots of fun!

Biking trails everywhere – along the road and through natural areas. Lots of bikers. Remember to look first before crossing!  Walkers on the inside and bikers on the road side. 

Finland is supposed to be a nation of introverts but we found everyone to be helpful and friendly. Most everyone speaks English. 

All in all, Finland is a great place to visit and, according to all of Thera’s friends, a great place to live. Don’t know how we would survive the winter, but August 2015 was great.